The Fab 5

The Fab 5

Sunday, October 19, 2014


By: Anthony Rich

The extra-curricular activity I attended was the volley-ball team tryouts. The team is coached by Mr. Maion. I did end up making the team, and Mr. Maion seems like a very good knowledgeable coach. The practices are usually in the big gym on Monday and Thursdays, and most of time the games are on Tuesday or Wednesdays. I think schools do sports as a way to sort rivalries, to give kids a chance to try new things and to give kids a challenge to succeed. 

Some of the pros of joining the volleyball team are you get to meet new people and learn the skills of the game. Some of the cons are that the volley-ball practices are on the same days as my soccer practices so that leaves less time for homework and studies. I have already met some new friends from the team. There is Jasper, Mariano and Luke. Most of the people on my volley-ball team are from my elementary school so I already know them well.

The only thing I am worried about is not getting my homework done on time but I believe I can manage.  


  1. great blog Anthony i would suggest that you should go to the LST room at lunch to finish your work if you have home work and congrats on making the team it must be fun playing with other schools and meeting new people.

  2. Hi Anthony i really like your volleyball writing!
    I think that it was well written and you used good punctuation. Although i think you could have used better vocabulary like for example, instead of "some of the pros" you could of wrote "some of the advantages" and instead of "some of the cons" you could of wrote "some of the disadvantages".
    But overall this was a really good writing and i'm guessing you chose #1
    Comment written by Kaylee

    1. Thank you for your comment Kaylee, it was very helpful. i was actually writing about perspective # 5 but they are both very similar :) .

    2. Hi Anthony,
      I can see that you were writing about choice number five where you were to discuss the club, then critique the pros and cons. Number one is more about selling and your post is a more honest and less persuasive description which fits the audience expectations for number 5. Congratulations on joining the team and if you are worried at different times about tournaments and your coursework, don't forget that you can ask for an extension in advance (no "marks" off) and it would not affect your mark unless you abuse the privelege or you miss a deadline for me to include your work on a report card. Good luck with your team and keep up the good work with your posting and your detailed and helpful comments to your peers.
